Hearthstone’s Kobolds & Catacombs Expansion Hits Dec. 7


There’s something about an ampersand that just immediately calls to mind a fantasy role-playing setting. Call it the D&D effect. Whatever it is, that’s the correct vibe for the new Kobolds & Catacombs expansion for Hearthstone that arrives soon: as in December 7 in North America (sorry Europe, but you’ll have to wait one more day).

Along with 135 new cards, the centerpieces of Kobolds & Catacombs is Dungeon Runs, the special single-player content that sends Hearthstone gamers underground to encounter mysterious dungeons in a replayable, roguelike format with 48 possible encounters. Some of them will probably be with kobolds, or so we’d guess.

On the card front, look for a new Keyword called Recruit, two new card types (Spellstones and Unidentified Items) and nine new Legendary Weapons, one for each class. You’ll get one of them for free the first time you log in after Kobolds & Catacombs goes live, along with three free Kobolds & Catacombs card packs.

If you’re brave enough to go adventuring, you can take advantage of three sequential, one-time Dungeon Runs that also award a Kobolds & Catacombs card pack upon successful completion. So unless our math is very bad and not just kind of bad like we think, that’s a total of six new card packs just for checking out the expansion and playing it.

Of course, some people just can’t wait for any new Hearthstone expansion, and if you’re in that category, you can pre-order 50 Kobolds & Catacombs packs in-game right now for $49.99. Doing so will also earn you the FOR THE HOARD card back, and you can use it now.

And if you somehow have made it all this way and have been too sheepish to admit you don’t know what a kobold is, Blizzard has arranged for some help in that area too. If you tune in to the Geek & Sundry Twitch channel at 7 p.m. Pacific/10 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, Nov. 30, you can catch a special kobold-themed episode of Critical Role, where professional voice actor Matthew Mercer will lead an intrepid band of six through a tablketop roleplaying adventure that will take them into the catacombs to face, you guessed it, kobolds. That’s good branding.

That should be all the urging you need to jump back into Hearthstone soon, but just in case you need more details on the cards from the expansion, they’re available on the Hearthstone site. Good luck with those kobolds, and don’t tell them we said this, but they’re kind of nasty.

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