Marvel Strike Force January 2019 Update FAQ: New Characters, Blitz Changes and More

By Sam Simmons |

With the New Year introductions finally behind us, we can look forward to what 2019 has already promised to deliver. One particular promise that has us Marvel Strike Force fans excited is the introduction of three new characters and some changes to the Blitz mode. Ok, that’s enough of an introduction, let’s get into it.

Three new characters

Unsurprisingly, there has been a lot of speculation what characters will blast their way onto our screens. As of yet nobody knows with 100% certainty what characters they will introduce, but we have good hunches.

A pretty much-guaranteed addition into the roster is Carnage. Although Carnage is not confirmed he seems accepted across the Marvel Strike Force Subreddit. The other two characters they could add in the next update are rumoured to be Okoye and Killmonger.

Just to clarify, these are only rumours and people’s best guesses. They could surprise us with the addition of a couple members of the Fantastic 4 being included instead.

Blitz Changes

Anyone who has been playing in the Blitz game mode since introducing red stars has probably been annoyed at several features, or should I say lack of. Well, worry no more as it seems like our prayers will be answered in the next update.

  • Introducing a Blitz Tier Indicator. If you have been playing Blitz, then you’ll know all about the frustration of keeping track of what Tier you are in. So you won’t have to remember if you completed 6.1 or 6.2.
  • The ability to see your opponent’s stars and red stars. It’s likely that throughout your time in Blitz you have to set up against an opponent in a certain way because of the characters they have chosen. You have then gotten into the fight and seen that these characters are way more powerful than you expected. Well, in the next update you will see how many stars your opponent’s characters have before it’s too late. This means you can set up your team in confidence knowing you haven’t underestimated your opponent.

As well as the changes mentioned above, there will also be Guardians Updates and a new Event Campaign. I don’t have any more details as yet, but we at Gamezebo will keep you up to date as soon as we know more.

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